Book a healing for your horse

If you’re in Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire and some parts of Hampshire, I can come to you. If you’re outside of this area, you can bring your horse to my healing centre in Dorset or book a distance healing.

What happens during a 1-1 healing?

I start all healing sessions by talking to the horse and asking if they would like my help. I then carry on communicating with the horse and locating in their body where the emotions are held from past trauma. I then explain to the horse’s owner exactly where the horse is stiff, which would be the better rein, I tell them the character and personality of their horse and then dowse over the horse’s body so that they can see the reaction of the pendulum over the blocked areas.

I then start to heal the area. It is like a rose with layers of petals, the first layer is the energy block in the body, you heal the block which is there for protection. This block enables the horse to put up a barrier to stop the pain, their owners see this barrier as a bite, kick, anger, miserable etc. To me, it is the barrier to their emotions. Then I peel back the layer revealing the emotion behind the block revealing the roar emotion, and the next layer, the cause. Sometimes this could take a few sessions, during the whole time the horse is licking, chewing, and yawning releasing the block. Sometimes they will be reliving the fight and anger with me and I may be pulled around and knocked into walls as the anger is released.

At the end of the session the horse can be exhausted it takes a lot of energy to release but by doing so the horse can relax in every way. Mind, body, muscles and some even lie down and fall into a big sleep.

By releasing the energy blocks and counseling the horse through the event that has caused it, I bring the horse peace. The horse’s guardian see the difference and feel the difference, not only on the ground but also when they ride them: the stiffness has gone, the body and mind are relaxed, and the horses’ guardian understands the horse better. The session opens their eyes to who their horse is, not an animal to be dominated and abused, but a being that feels more than you can ever imagine. The emotions that are released during the session also forces the owner to break the emotional barrier and release their anxieties as well.


When our loved horse passes over the rainbow bridge we can be left in a place of sock with unanswered questions. We can feel lost and alone our family members not understanding how we are feeling.

People have been coming to the healing yard for 1-1 appointments to help them with their grief. I normally suggest waiting at least 6 weeks after your horse has passed. Then if you wish to come to The Healing Yard I can hold space for you to help you with your grief. I will ask for a photo of your horse and I will make a connection the day before our appointment.

On the day I will help you to release the blocked emotions held within and then take you on our Spirit Horse meditation and ask your horse to meet you. After we will discuss your experience and you will receive healing to balance your energy. Finally you will spend time with the healing herd.

You will need to allow 2-3 hours for the appointment. Cost is £55


“Elaine has a very special connection with the horses, I have 5 and Elaine has visited them all and helped me understand each individual better, our most noticeable reaction was with an old pony who was depressed and grieving for a departed friend, Elaine spent a very long time in meditation with him and you can see his whole attitude changed and he was no longer moping. Elaine also has a very comical relationship with my Haflinger, who likes to tease her and tells it as it is! I have introduced friends to Elaine and they have all thanked me for their experiences as Elaine constantly gives them the key to unlock the communication to further a better bond with their horses.”

  • “Myself and my horse met Elaine for the first time today.

    Elaine was amazing and although our session was very emotional and at times heartbreaking 💔 i feel it was needed!

    I truly believe the healing Elaine can provide my boy will be invaluable.

    The cruelty that can be inflicted on helpless animals is hard to understand but with Elaine’s help I’m hoping my boy can let the past go and live life to it’s fullest, filled with the love and kindness he deserves every single day.”


  • “I met Elaine yesterday, such a lovely lady, I loved the way she was with Molly and the way Molly respond to Elaine it was amazing. Elaine told me some things about Molly which i already had thought myself which explained a lot and why Molly was like she was. I felt very emotional and so happy at the same time. So happy that my little mare is happy for the first time...”


  • “My first visit from Elaine was emotional, painful but ultimately absolutely pivotal to making changes for the better for both me and my pony. Echo had been shouting for change and whilst I knew neither of us were happy (despite a lot of money, tears and effort being spent) and the "solutions" being offered to us from outsiders weren't the answer, I was struggling to know what to do with my agitated, angry pony except feel inadequate for failing to resolve our escalating situation. Elaine's special skills opened up communication with my pony, giving him an emotional outlet, and me an insight into his history and needs. Elaine's greatest gift was to give me the ability to appreciate Echo's perspective (oh we all like to think we do, but it's ever so easy to become selfish and overlook the feedback, often very subtle, of our ever patient equine partners until they either shut down completely or start screaming like mine did!) So how did it end? Elaine came back to see us at our new yard and the tears this time were happy ones as she found a happy pony and owner - Echo's sense of humour was evident and he played therapist telling me not to worry so much about him! Triggering heartfelt yawns in each other is our current achievement, leaving us both feeling better. In terms of physical health Echo's undergone some major setbacks since then and I'm hoping Elaine will be able to give me an idea of how he's coping with that on her next visit - but that'll be another story! In short, if you are open hearted Elaine can help you to develop a relationship with your horse that is truly magical, you'll never look at them or them at you in quite the same way.”


Photos of healing appointments

Get in touch to book a 1-1

£85 - home visit

£75 - if you bring your horse to my healing centre

Please specify where you are in the email or if you’d like to bring your horse to me