Good morning from Dorset! Today I am back on the Road and heading to the New Forest. Then treating horses on the way back. Do not take today or any day for granted, treat others and your horses as you wish to be treated. it is said that your horse is a mirror of you, how is your horse this morning? joyful, happy, sad. depressed and how are you? Remember your horse not only reads your energy but also hears your words, I can remember one reading where the horse told me all that the ladies of the yard talked about over coffee. His stable overlooked the rest area where they would all sit and discuss who knows what. He also told me he had terrible hoofs I asked him why he replied "that is what they all say!" So remember if your horse is not being obliging question yourself and perhaps your values for in this world what we put out there we get back, hate anger, misery or love, laughter and life. What reflects back to you??I wish you a beautiful day full of love and light and happiness, love and healing Lainey and the horsesxxxxxx