Healing Energy

When I heal a horse, at the start I have no idea where the healing will take me. Every healing is unique, every horse has different pasts and experiences. For some they need to talk about the "now". For others they show me the past and how it is holding them back. Some have huge emotions stored within that need releasing.
The healing that the horses receive is very deep and works on an emotional level. This year my healing has become stronger and very powerful. Depending on the horses needs I have energies that work through me. A new guide that has joined me this year is indeed very powerful. When her energy appears we work on releasing the past. The healing starts very calm and once the horse is totally relaxed we can work deep within.
One horse that has been helped is Tom, he had been rescued and is now in a secure and loving home. I knew about the cruelty he had received in the past and instantly I knew the healing was going to be different. We started off as any other healing scanning him over and offering love and understanding. I felt how he was happy in his new life but the past was still holding onto him. He was living but not enjoying the here and now, he lacked confidence and belief in himself. I carried on healing down through Tom's body and my breathing became deeper and for me the world became still. The connection became stronger and it felt as if Tom and I became one. Slowly my hands started to work his body and my voice started to chant. Tom was deeply connected and relaxed. My hands worked down through his body and then started to quite forcefully sweep down through his back. We were sweeping away the past my hands were guided to different parts of his body and the rhythmic chanting continued. When we had done enough the energy slowed and I became me again! Tom licked and chewed and yawned as he released from deep within.
I left the yard hoping we had done enough for Tom to really step into the now and enjoy his life.
A few weeks later I received a message from Tom's Mum;
"Elaine you have blown my mind again. You only saw Tom a few weeks ago and he is now absolutely amazing! He is perfect, the trust the love the lot oh my god! I'm speechless.
His session with you was the first time I had seen your new guide come through. Tom who didn't like jumping always held himself back, last week we were soaring over 80 in our lesson. This week 90, there is no stopping him and he is enjoying himself for the first time. Thankyou he is just so different there is a calmness that has come over him. He is just so perfect, beautiful and perfect.
Tom and his Mum are now really enjoying life with confidence. The past has been taken, healed and now Tom is enjoying his life full of confidence and the past cruelty left behind.
As a healer my life is always changing the healing energy has become more powerful and the connection with the horses deeper.
So every healing is unique the horses will take me to
where we need to go. The healing energy will then work through me to help the horse. www.horsesvoice.co.uk

A wise horse


Take the pressure off