Be careful

Good morning today I am travelling again over the border to Somerset. I am revisiting clients so it will be interesting to have a catch up.Yesterday I visited a horse who showed me parts of her life. She is only 10 and yet has been treated so badly in her first 8 years. The methods some people use to back, break, produce a horse breaks my heart. No one listens and no one cares it is all in the name of ego and money.But a message from the horse is "we are fighting back. We will not be treated in this way. The truth will be told and we will be heard. Karma is a wonderful thing, what goes around comes around. It is time to stop, time to listen, time to think about the cruel methods used. We will not be broken, we will be heard."

From me be very careful who you send your horses to check, check and check againxx

A beautiful healing

