Many horses I visit seem to have something "not right." Vets have investigated, physios, dentist but nothing can be found. I recently visited a horse who was all of the above. He had been with his Mum for a year and all was fine for a couple of months then things changed. Top line started to go, showed anxiety in the jaw and yet nothing could be found. But his Mum knew something was not right.I visited and was greeted by a lovely horse. As his Mum was completing the form I was instinctively drawn to different areas of his body. When I scanned him his energy was blocked on the right which would make left rein difficult. His Mum confirmed this, but also emotionally he was not himself. Just standing with this horse he started to release by yawning. He was like a champagne bottle and the cork needed to come out.Horses are incredible emotional beings I have found them to show every emotion known to man. As I started to work with him he told me he had tried his best but he just could not do it. He was worried that this may happen again with his new guardian. "What if I cant do it, what if I am sold again?" I asked him what was going on in his body and started to heal through. On the pelvis he was incredibly blocked and I felt the connection between front and back end was not as it should be. The word "floundering" came to me the body not knowing what it was doing. I stayed with my hand on his pelvis and he raised his back as he released it.I told his Mum about his insecurity about his future. She confirmed he had indeed been brought to event. He was ok until they wanted him to jump higher and he hit the poles. Decision made to sale this little man would have been 7 years old. So much pressure at such a young age, he showed me how he moved and I could see him floating. His Mum agreed and confirmed he was very well bred and expected to event. Huge pressure for anyone let alone a horse.I carried on healing and Ben we will call him carried on releasing his body by doing the most amazing stretches form nose to tail. He then took his nose between his front legs and moved his leg so that my hand could go high up inside the shoulder. I felt there had been an old injury and sent healing to the area. He then moved his head and I stood back and asked him to show me. He put his nose between his front legs then turned and took his nose up the side of his body and then on top of his pelvis. He was showing me how some gadget had been used on him. Holding the head in and making him feel uncomfortable. I knew that this was history but I asked his Mum is she used anything and she said no.I carried on healing and it became clear what was happening. His old home had been a serious competitive home. His Mum confirmed that he had been ridden quite firmly. Strong hands and with his head pulled in. In his new home he is given freedom of movement and ridden softly which is much kinder. But it has left Ben floundering, he has always been told how to move his body has never had to seek natural balance when ridden. He had lost his way and with the worries of failing and maybe being sold again this was causing huge pressure on the body.I carried on healing and explained all that I was feeling. I felt that Ben's education needed taking back and he needed to explore what his body could do.But first we needed to treat the emotional issues. While Ben was totally relaxed I brought his Mum into the healing. I talked her through connecting with Ben and talking to him. This she did telling him he was with her for life and laying to rest his worries. We than took a big breath. Ben did another stretch and stood dozing. As we were talking Ben moved and laid down in his stable and slept a healing sleep. His Mum was amazed and said she had never witnessed him doing this before. Ben now needs a couple of days relaxation before he walks into his relaxed life and steps forward into the future.