Happy Bank Holiday!
Good morning happy bank holiday Sunday! Today I have another course workshop. My students today joined the course quite recently so are at the beginning of their journey. Lat week I had my group who are ready for their assessments tell me how they and their lives have changed since coming on the course. Yesterday eight months into the course and the changes are amazing to see. As a co-teacher with my horses it is amazing to witness the changes in all my students. How they find themselves again, let go of the ego and become who they should be not who they are expected to be. How they break down the barriers and learn to love themselves. You see the horses see the real us they want us to be true to ourselves. Then we can see the real them not the horse with expectations and pressure to do well. But a horse that is loved for all that they are. Understanding ourselves and self healing is such a huge part of the healing journey. When you have achieved this you can move onto healing the horses. All guided by my beautiful healing herd.So the horses ask you to take a breath, be still for a moment and feel. Tell yourself "I am ok" do not wait for others approval as that could be a never ending search. After doing this find a mirror tell yourself " I love you" and find that deep love and respect within for yourself.