Horses have long memories they remember every thing. They hear everything and they feel every thing. I have only this week witnessed horses being reunited after years apart. The instant recognition and joy at seeing each other again.
The trigger of a memory can cause immense joy and happiness but can also cause heart ache and depression. The memory of a lost loved one can surface at anytime. As a healer the waves of the intense emotions wash over me. A beautiful horse I have recently treated has not been quite himself. I could see that he was quiet and almost as if he had shrunk. I started my healing but did not receive the huge welcome that I normally feel from this horse.
In the past he has had strong opinions and quite often accompanied with a strong reaction. But on this visit nothing, his energy was not flowing and his body felt stiff and heavy. George is 22 so not a young horse and he has had a life with a story. He has always been the protector of the horses but now feels the changes of his advancing years. George is feeling that he can not always protect the others and this is laying heavy on him. I told his Mum what I was feeling and being told. She confirmed that George is kept with the ponies and she has recently noticed the difference in his reactions in the field.
I carried on healing George and he turned away from his Mum and we stood in the corner of his stable. My hand was on his shoulder and we had become still and as one. I then felt a huge wave of emotion hit me I felt like my heart was breaking. I asked George if he wanted to talk. "I could not protect him" he said. I straight away knew that he was talking about his dear friend who had passed a couple of years ago. I stood with George and sent healing to him as him tears came through me. I told him to let them go and the healing would help him. Through all of this we stood very still a bubble surrounding us so he could let go.
George's advancing years and his feelings of age have made him feel that he could no longer protect. This in turn has brought up the grief that was not dealt with at the time of his dear friends death. With that came the guilt that he felt he should have done more. I explained to him that there was nothing that he could have done. His friend had been ill and he had stood with him until the end. As we stood together I sent the healing to the whole of his body.
After a while I turned and told his Mum what had just happened. It can feel strange for owners when I link in with a horse. It is very powerful and the whole focus is on the horse. It is as if we have stepped through a door and closed it behind us. My whole energy becomes as one with the horse and nothing else exists. When the healing is done and the horse has become quiet I then tune back into the world. This is when I can then explain to the horses guardian what has happened.
The emotions of horses are incredibly powerful and events in life can trigger the emotions. Some times these can be from events perhaps happening long before they came to you. Horses have happy days and sad days as we do. Our journey with life is not always plain sailing. Living can be a hard process and coping with the emotions even more difficult. I know how this feels as a person and I also know how the horses feel on their life journey. So changes in horses behaviour, attitude, manners etc can all stem from emotions bubbling away inside looking for a way out. For this to happen the horse like us needs to be understood, to feel safe and to feel loved. Never under estimate the feelings and emotions of your horse. We all need a hug and some one to listen from time to time. We all need space and peace to deal with what we are feeling.
When you know why you then know the answersx