Letting go

I recently healed a beautiful bay mare x-racehorse with diagnosed arthritis and problems due to being backed at 18 months and racing at 2.Janie has been a problem for her owner Lyn since she rescued her-Janie had been about to go to the auction as she was no longer sound to race. They have come a long way and both have learnt a lot. Their partnership is fantastic and Janie's and her Mum's journey is growing in a way that Lyn had never thought possible. I had been asked out to see whether I could feel in some of the missing information of her past and to see how she was feeling.To start with Janie sniffed me over and we had a little chat. I held my hand close to her shoulder requesting permission to touch her. At first Janie's muscles twitched and her ears went back. I took my time and then received Janie's permission. I started on her shoulder scanning down through her body. Straight away I was shown her shoulder damage and also the pain in her ribs and her wither. As I worked on these areas Janie relaxed and licked and chewed.I then changed sides and worked on the left where there was huge amounts of heat in the neck going right down through her shoulder. Straight away I could see Janie falling her head was being pulled to the right and she was twisting and came crashing down bending the neck and hitting the ground with her shoulder. As she was showing me the cause of the pain Janie was licking and chewing but still not ready to release with a big yawn. I carried on working down the side of her body and located heat in her gut and I could see the lining bright red and warned her owner to keep an eye as it looked quite painful. Janie has just finished 2 courses of antibiotics so it could be this that has disturbed her gut.I carried on working towards her hind quarters when Janie squealed and swung round just missing me with both back legs. There was deep emotion stored in her hind quarters the memory was off people forcing her. The people were trying to put a stallion to her and Janie was having none of it. I stood quietly until Janie had relaxed and then held my hands close to her sides. I stayed there for a long while telling Janie that this was the past and needed to be let go.. I healed from a distance and then we had the release I wanted a huge yawn and sigh. Hattie has huge issues stored in the hind quarters and I worked on her slowly to release them.I finished off back at her shoulder on a good note and Janie then started pulling her owner round by the right shoulder I said you have a bad shoulder on the right and then Janie turned her round and nudged the left buttock and took her nose right down my Lyn's leg. I said she is telling me you have a problem with the left and the pain runs down your leg. Janie's owner owner laughed and said yes it is where she kicked me in the field and it has only just got better. I gave her Janie's apologies as she nuzzled Lyn's face!!!


Take the pressure off


Passing over rainbow bridge