Passing over rainbow bridge
over the last couple of weeks there have been a lot of horses passing and travelling over the rainbow bridge. I have lit candles and sent healing for a peaceful passing. Then continued the love and healing to the horses and owner left behind.For some it has been through illness for others it has been their time, their journey has come to an end.The passing of our horses can seem quite unbearable. You feel totally lost and the questions and thoughts of if only pop into your head every second of the day. You wonder how you will carry on without your companion. They are after all for some of us closer than another human being. They give us reason to get out of bed to get going to plan our day. The day is worked around our best friend whether it is to turn out, walk, ride, or to connect and just be. When our friends have passed we are left floundering it seems that our whole reason for being has gone.With this comes every emotion anger, sadness, and questions that will never be answered. You never get over losing your best friend you grow to live and accept the loss. The last memory needs to be replaced with a happier picture. Do not remember the one of them gone but the one where they were full of life. Or the memory of you riding across the hills or beach, as you remember capture that feeling of love and being as one in that moment.This is what will get you through these dark days, it will seem hard at first. But keep trying and you will find that in time, the memory of the last day drifts away to be replaced with the memories of joy.Our animals bring us such joy and happiness bottle that feeling and feel it, it gives you something to cling to. Your horse will have taught you many lessons. Take these with you on your journey through this life.Also remember you are not alone, when they have passed their spirit needs to rest. Then in time you will see or feel them close by, for they never leave us they just guide us from a higher place.Forever in our hearts and walking by our side