Love and understanding

Love and understanding mean everything...........I have been to quite a few people in recent months who are becoming more and more stressed about their horses. They worry that they are not being competed when they were bred to jump, event or do dressage. The horse I visit is relaxed and happy with their lives. They are unaware that they should have spent their lives competing. They are happy in the life that they are in, because they live in the moment the moment is good so the world is a wonderful place for them. Their owners however are listening to other people making comments like "he is wasted with her" "should be doing top level dressage" "what does she think she is doing" etc. They argue with themselves that they should sale their horse so that he can do what he was bred to do. But does the horse crave fame and fortune or kindness and understanding? A wonderful partnership between owner and horse is all that is needed. To live a happy and understood life with people prepared to learn "horse" and be a partner that is all that horses require. So if you are having doubts look at your horse and see the way he looks at you and feel him when you are hacking, or just being together in a beautiful relationship, this is what is important to horses. Not the cups or rosettes they do not have an ego that needs feeding.So take guidance from your horse, be as one and walk each step together, in what ever direction they lead you. xx


Passing over rainbow bridge

