Message from the horse
EmotionsEmotions are the route of all misguided communication, we feel everything you humans do and more we use all of our senses and they are very clear.Confusion happens when people are not true, to us or themselves. By this I mean that people hold emotions inside they do not let go. It seems people can not sense what is happening to another, or you choose to ignore it. For us it is not that simple our heightened senses pick up on everything inside. The anger and sorrow are all felt and yet the person holding such an emotion does not show it outside, this confuses us. The person is not true to themselves or us and this could be a dangerous position for us to be in. The hidden anger makes us want to move away to not be with our person, also the dominant person makes us want to flee and this can sometimes be hard or impossible. Our every sense is telling us we need to get away but we are caught so we ask the person to leave and move from our energy. This can make things worse as the person thinks we are being bad, but we are doing what comes naturally. It would be the same for you people if you were asked to go into a room where there is an angry person, you are asked to go in and shut the door. What is your reaction, the same as ours so you see your emotions are a huge part of communication for us. You see communication as words but our communication and yours if you open yourself up to it is very simple it is energy. It is every thought because a thought changes your energy, there is a very easy way to calm your energy and it can be your first point of communication to yourself and then to us.It is your breath, take a big breath in, if you pull your tummy in you are taking all your energy into your head, have a go. Feel the energy behind your eyes, feel yourself become bigger this is what we do when something disturbs us and it could be dangerous. Now take a breath and fill your lungs remember they go down to your waist and beyond, blow out that tummy as you breathe in. Feel the energy in your hips and down your legs, this is a grounding breath. If you do five minutes of breathing before you come to us your energy will be under control and it can also enable you to track emotions held within. But that is another story, for now lets get you breathing properly!