Deep Connection Meditation
Many of us lead very busy lives. There is never enough time and we do most things in a rush. The horses would like us to "STOP". To breath and come out of our heads and become grounded to enable them to connect with us.There is much talk about meditation and being in the moment. But how do you get to that wonderful place? Well 6 minutes of your time can help you get there.When you feel the time is right for you to reach a deeper connection with your horse find a quiet place and work through the short grounding. The more you do this the easier it will become. Your mind will become quiet and you will find peace.Give it a go and let me know how you get on. Remember it takes time for your head to become very busy and it takes time for it to become quiet.Be kind to your self love and healingxxxxxxxxxxxxx [audio m4a=""][/audio]