
"Safe" is such a simple word four letters which should bring about a feeling of security.Dictionary states "protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost."But what happens if you have never experienced "safe". How do you know what it feels like to be protected, free from harm. What happens if through your life you have become lost? How do you find yourself again, how do you learn to "trust". How do you let the past that has tainted your life for years slip away. How do you step forward into the now and a safe life?This question has recently come up in a healing. We will call the horse Mary and her Mum Lyn. I arrived at the yard and found Lyn in the yard with Mary eating hay in her stable. I asked Lyn to complete the registration form as she was doing this I watched Mary. Since I had approached the stable she had been slightly on guard. I stood talking to Lyn and held my hand out to Mary so she could get used to my energy. As I was doing this Mary's right shoulder started to twitch and she backed off. Lyn confirmed what I was already feeling that Mary does not always like being touched.Mary is a beautiful mare with huge dark eyes that you could fall into. She is worried a lot of the time and finds it hard to relax. I slowly scanned her over and felt her energy. She had heat in her shoulders and her energy through her back was rigid. I explained this to Lyn and she agreed when I said at the moment Mary would be like riding a board. Everything is tense and there would be no give. I could not tell which rein would be her best, as we were talking Mary kept one eye on me and chewed her hay.Mary did not want me working on her left and I started at the right shoulder. I held my hand out and Mary backed away, she was frightened of the past, present and future. I spoke quietly to Mary and quietly placed my hand on her shoulder. She allowed me to give her healing down her right side up to her pelvis but not beyond. She showed me a picture of a stallion being put to her and it was not a nice experience. Beyond her pelvis is a no go area at the moment. I told her this was fine and that the healing would go where it is needed. Lyn had stood quietly watching and asked me to tell Mary that she was safe. I did this and Mary turned to me and said "I do not know what safe is". Mary has been through hell in her 12 years of life. When Lyn had gone to look at her she was being ridden very lame and Lyn brought her as she could not leave her behind.I discussed with Mary that she could now start to breath and relax. As a lot of you know I am a spiritual healer and I have many guides who help me. By this I mean that I am a funnel for energy it does not come from me. I asked one of my guides to help me, he is an Indian. Through me he softly chants to the horses and we started to do this with Mary. She needed to find relaxation and let go of her body. I gave healing around her head and as the chanting started she instantly connected and lowered her head. Whilst doing this my breathing changes and the horse and I become one. I continued healing and Mary was soon in a healing doze, her head wan near the floor. She started to gently sway with the healing energy and the chanting. We stayed like this for a long while and Mary's body was completely relaxed it was all she could do to stay stood up. When my guide left me I straightened myself up and spoke to Lyn. I am afraid when I go into deep healing with horses the rest of the world is blanked out.I explained what had happened and how I had let Mary feel what safe is. As we were talking Mary stretched her body from nose to tail. She then yawned and yawned still stood happily with us completely relaxed. Lyn and Mary are on a road of discovery, Lyn has signed up for life and Mary will be going nowhere.Now Mary has felt total relaxation and feeling safe she can now step forward into her


Stepping into the future

