Who am I ?
Many horses I treat have been damaged by people in some way. Many physically almost all emotionally, all of this has shaped their future. The treatment they have received from birth to the time they come to you has "made" them to be, what? Frightened, confused, angry, sad, locked within, in pain physically and emotionally. A pain so bad that the screams are ear piercing trying to be heard. They may have in the past tried to reach out only to be beaten back down. For what do they know they are the horse, to do as we wish and as they are told.For some people this may remind you of "you". No one listening, no voice allowed, to do as you are told. Until you too became lost in a whirlwind of emotions.To find yourself is the most beautiful journey. To unlock the door and walk through with your head held high shouting "I am me" is beautiful. To find you have arrived home and can be who you were meant to be liberating. But what of the horse? who will unlock their door and let them be them? Who will let their individual character shine and tell them it is ok? Who will allow them to walk their true path? Not the one chosen by man or the dreaded breeding. When I meet a horse and the first thing they ask is "who am I?" I want to weep for them.To be told who a horse is described by their pedigree makes my blood run cold. This is not who they are this is the man made description. Only recently I treated a beautiful x race horse who is closely related to Red Rum. This horse had pressure to perform, to win money for her people. After all she had the breeding it was a certainty. But she failed and has carried the failing on her shoulders. She was told she was useless and a waste of time and money. She was pushed within her limits and when she said "I cant" she was hit. This beautiful horse was no more a race horse than I am an Olympic runner.What she is under the guards she has put around herself is the most beautiful gentle soul. She will always carry the injuries to her body from the pressure put upon her. But through her healing we gave healing to these areas. We asked her to accept the love now being given to her and I told her she was safe. Through the healing she showed me how she tried to say "no" but who would listen? This beautiful horse is now in a forever home. for 18 months nothing has been asked of her and love has been given. This has proved to cause confusion, bullying, anger, pain, she understood. But the gentle energy from this lady who has come into her life some thing else. Some would say how lovely, but what if love was so alien to her she could not trust it. What if love was felt as pressure creating feelings within that we did not recognise. What if love caused us to feel that we needed to take control and not in a kind way. The love has to continue dripping even when you are being pushed further away. Slowly very slowly your horse will start to trust and feel the love. With the healing and counselling we can let go of the past and step into the future. the horses description will change to beautiful, her personality will shine, she will be your life friend, her eye will shine like huge pools. The breeding long forgotten but in place of it the beautiful soul shines and then starts to teach us.Let the horse find themselves let them play and discover who they are. All individuals, all very different, all with different needs,different personalities, because they are all different and unique.But first maybe just maybe you also need to find you, not the person who has been moulded to fit into society but the real you.Who are you????xxx